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SaddleBrooke Photography Club
Helping you take your Photography to the next level
Telling a Story with Bird Photography
Want to have your images convey a message to the viewer? Then try to have the image tell a story. January's Monthly Assignment is Telling a Story with Bird Photography. To do this, think about capturing an image of a bird doing something in its natural environment. This could be eating something, gathering materials for a nest, taking flight from a pond or branch, feeding its young, or any number of actions. We are trying to go beyond the "Bird on a Stick" image. Images will be reviewed at the beginning of the Open Studio meeting at 9:00am on January 31st. Bring up to five (5) images on a thumb drive to show to other members.
Facilitated by Bob Shea
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 873 5713 0442
Passcode: 582244
SaddleBrooke, AZ